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Indicators of genetic diversity of autochthonous sheep and goat breeds from Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Serbia and Montenegro


2023-07-01 | 2025-06-30


Slovak Univ of Agric in Nitra, Slovakia - Logo University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria - Logo Czech Univ of Life Scie, Prague, Czechia - Logo Belgrade University, Serbia - Logo University of Montenegro in Podgorica, Montenegro - Logo

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Main goal

Development of conservation and sustainable use of autochthonous breeds of sheep and goats through joint research and knowledge exchange of partners from Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Serbia and Montenegro.


Objective 1 :: Scientific development through cross-border cooperation and the involvement of young scientists.
Objective 2 :: Defining the genetic diversity status of autochthonous sheep and goat breeds in partner countries based on genomic data at intra- and inter-population levels.
Objective 3 :: Knowledge transfer and dissemination of results.

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Project Team 

Austria :: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna (Austria)

Czechia :: Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (Czechia)

Serbia :: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture (Serbia)

Slovakia :: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)

Montenegro :: University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty (Montenegro)

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Objective 1 :: Scientific development through cross-border cooperation and the involvement of young scientists

Objective 2 :: Defining the genetic diversity status of autochthonous sheep and goat breeds in partner countries based on genomic data at intra- and inter-population levels

a) Inventory of existing autochthonous populations and analysis of their intra-population diversity.

b) Analysis of the inter-population diversity regarding their phylogenetic origin.

c) Determination of the impact of selection on the gene pool of autochthonous populations with respect to the breeding programs of the countries involved.

Objective 3 :: Knowledge transfer and dissemination of resultss

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Results, Events & Publications 

Dissemination Activities

Animal Science Days 2023

The 31st edition of the International Symposium Animal Science Days 2023 was held in Lipica, Slovenia, from 20 to 22 September 2023. The conference featured invited speakers and presentations selected from participants' contributions. This year's programme included a variety of sessions in the field of animal sciences, including a session on ethology and animal welfare, which was also the theme of the course for students: Animal Welfare and Sustainability, held on 19 September. Presentations of the SHEGEND project researchers were also part of the conference, namely: prof. Vostrý (Classical, ancestral and new inbreeding of X-chromosome in Czech local dairy goat breed) and prof. Kasarda and assoc. prof. Moravčíková (Diversity status of Slovak population of Askanian Merino sheep).
Symposium ASD 2023 Gallery

Animal Science Days 2024

The 32nd edition of the Animal Science Days conference took place in Oberaichwald (Austria), from 2 to 4 October 2024. This meeting, organised annually, aims to foster collaboration between colleagues from Central and Eastern Europe, interested academics and professionals from all over the world in the field of animal science to make their cooperation and exchange of knowledge more effective and, most importantly, to promote a new generation of young scientists and professionals in this field. This year, the topics of the presentations were oriented towards breeding and genetics, nutrition and physiology, health, husbandry and livestock farming systems. The results of the SHEGEND project were presented at this event by prof. Vostrý (CZU Praha) with the presentation entitled "Effective population size in local sheep and goat breeds in the Danube region", assoc. prof. Mészáros (BOKU Vienna) with the presentation "Genomic inbreeding coefficients in local sheep and goat breeds in the Danube region" and assoc. prof. Moravčíková (SUA in Nitra) with the presentation "Genetic structure and relationships between local sheep and goat breeds in the Danube region".
Symposium ASD 2024 Gallery

75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences (EAAP)

During the 75th Annual Meeting of the EAAP, which took place in Florence (Italy) from 1 September to 5 September 2024, the SHEGEND project was actively presented by prof. Kasarda with poster entitled „Genome-Wide Association Study on Somatic Cell Count and Health Status of Dairy Sheep“, assoc. prof. Moravčíková with abstract „Footprints of balancing selection in the genome of Original Valachian sheep“ and Ing. Chalupková with poster entitled „Usability of raw phenotypic data in selective breeding of dairy cattle on health traits in Slovakia“ from SPU in Nitra. Because this congress is the largest congress in the field of animal sciences in the world in terms of the number of participants (scientists, academics and Ph.D. students) as well as presentations, participation in it allowed the project investigators to make the project visible not only locally but also globally.
EAAP Meeting Gallery



First annual meeting of SHEGEND project partners (DS-FR-22-0016) - Kick-off meeting :: Nitra, Slovakia, 12th October 2023

The first meeting of the partners of the SHEGEND project (DS-FR-22-0016) "Indicators of genetic diversity of autochthonous sheep and goat breeds from Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Serbia and Montenegro" was held at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) on 12th October 2023. The main objective of the project, as its name implies, is to evaluate and define the state of genetic diversity of autochthonous sheep and goat breeds in Austria, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia and Montenegro through cross-border cooperation, joint research and knowledge exchange between the partners: BOKU Vienna, Czech Agricultural University in Prague, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, University of Montenegro - Biotechnical Faculty. During this first meeting, the partners discussed the possibilities of intensifying mutual cooperation concerning the collection of biological samples, the use of methods for the evaluation of various indicators of genetic diversity, and the dissemination and publication of the results obtained. Last but not least, the partners discussed project activities and meetings planned for 2023 and 2024, as well as short internships of scientists and Ph.D. students within the partner organisations.
Kick-off Meeting Programme :: Photo

Second annual meeting of SHEGEND project partners (DS-FR-22-0016) :: Vienna, 13th - 15th December 2023

From the 13th to the 15th of December 2023, BOKU University hosted the second annual meeting of the SHEGEND project partners (DS-FR-22-0016) in Vienna (Austria). This annual meeting aimed to evaluate the realised activities, in particular with regard to the dissemination of the project outputs and the preparation of the annual report, and to plan further activities for the next research phase of the project. This meeting also included an intensive workshop focused on preparing scientific papers, either in the form of joint articles or abstracts, for international scientific journals and conferences.
Meeting Programme

Workshop of SHEGEND project partners (DS-FR-22-0016) :: Belgrade, 10th - 12th April 2024

Data workshop within the SHEGEND project (DS-FR-22-0016) organised by the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Agriculture (Serbia) was held from 10th to 12th April 2024. This workshop aimed to harmonise the available genomic information for autochthonous sheep and goat breeds in the partner countries (Czech Republic, Montenegro, Austria, Serbia and Slovakia), to create a shared database of data between partners and to provide a short course on the use of genomic data for the analysis of population structure, estimation of effective population size and evaluation of genomic inbreeding as basic parameters for defining the status of the level of diversity in animal populations. The first results of the above analyses and the possibilities of their dissemination during 2024 were also discussed during this workshop.
Workshop Programme

SHEGEND project annual meeting (DS-FR-22-0016) :: Prague, 26 - 28 November 2024

The annual meeting of the SHEGEND project took place at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic) from 26.11. to 28.11.2024. During this meeting, the partners summarized the project activities and the outcomes that were presented at international scientific conferences and in scientific journals. In addition, the partners discussed the planning of further joint publications in 2025 as well as the possibilities of further collaboration in the form of scientific and educational projects in the framework of currently open calls.
Annual Meeting :: Programme
Annual Meeting :: Photo



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Base Contact 

Prof. Ing. Radovan Kasarda, Ph.D.   ORCID logo
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 2
949 76 Nitra

Dissemination :: Zenodo

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Last update: 2025-01-17